CS50x and my journey to becoming a (digital) Harvard man


I mentioned in my first post that in 2015 I am learning Swift. This is a new language Apple developed for iOS app creation. Swift has been designed to take over from Objective-C as the language for the future of all things iOS app related. I’ll talk more about Swift in coming posts. Today lets focus on Harvard.

Over the last few years I have been aware of a lot of incredible education institutions making material available cheaply, or giving it away entirely free. Harvard, MIT and loads of others making their lectures available for anyone with an internet connection. I have spent a long time being obsessed with Harvard. I love the HBR, the film ‘The Social Network‘ made me think that I could have created Facebook, if only I could have gone to Harvard/been a genius/created Facebook. Then something wonderful happened.


This year the majority of my learning will be aimed towards Swift. I want to release my first few apps and have some fun/help with other friends app projects. I have worked with HTML, CSS & PHP and started Objective-c before but Swift has really caught my imagination. I purchased the Swift tutorial videos at Bitfountain but felt that I was missing something. I wanted to go right back to basics. What if I had learnt things the wrong way and had terrible programming habits. I started to look for local Computer science courses but came up empty handed unless I wanted to travel to London (I didn’t), or wanted to quit my job and do an intensive course (that would be fine until I needed money for things like, well everything). Then it happened, I found CS50x.

I’ve signed up and am working my way through the video lectures. I wake up early and study before work and my new Macbook is going to be ordered soon so that I can use the train journey to learn and tinker with code. I have purchased ‘The Absolute beginners guide to C Programming‘ book that has made me feel like I am going back to square one. Square one, but in the best way.

Absolute Beginners guide to C - starting again

Starting programming again with the ‘Absolute beginners guide

So, I am a (digital) Harvard man, loving learning again. One sad things is that I’ve been told that wearing a Harvard jumper would be too far.